I'm sorry this was your experience. Here in the southern part of the U.S. when I was younger--switches were used and belts. It was a common practice (a lot less now).
It was done as to not "spoil the child" and it was upheld by biblical misinterpretations of "spare the rod spoil the child." They didn't understand that "rod" stood for "authority" not an actual "whipping."
Children were left with whelps on their bodies and strangely, some children found comedy in it. Jokes were told about it and comparisons were made.
I am happy you know the error in this and I am happy my mother understood it too. The way to teach children is by setting the example. It sounds as if you Father had set a great example of Manhood for you but fell short through a practice that was passed down to him.
I am so happy you repaired your relationship and found your way to mutual love and respect. Forgiveness is powerful.
Thank you for sharing your story, Uwem.