When the Solitude of Long Writing Sessions Feels Lonely, Join A Party On Social Media.
Once upon a time, writing in solitude for long periods was a lonely experience, but we can slay that dragon with social media.
I don’t know about you, but knowing another writer is alongside me writing and completing a project or story is comforting for me. It feels like camaraderie and teamwork.
Again, for me, that’s nice. It’s a party.
I had a writing session on October 1 and enjoyed writing with a live YouTube broadcast. Here’s what I wrote in my journal:
While writing this at my desk, I am listening to live LoFi music and writing with an AuthorTuber named Michael La Ronn and nearly 100 other writers at this time. We are all using the Pomodoro method as we write. I’m also interstitial journaling between my breaks. I’m not writing in the chat, but in the future, I think I will participate in the conversations after each session.
Every 20 minutes, we stop for 5 minutes to chat about where they are in their project. Like a smooth jazz DJ, Michael reads comments, and once more, the clock starts silently ticking again as lo-fi music resumes.